There are several herbs that are known to increase milk production. It is a good idea to check with your health care practitioner, herbalist first if you are scared of the safety of herbs to increase your milk production.

Below a list of herbs which are normally found in breast milk increasing teas (sorted by the most popular herbs first):

Fenugreek is an excellent herb to help increase milk supply. You normally get it in tea and capsule form. It smells like maple syrup. It claims to cause uterine contractions that can cause a milk letdown.(Therefore not to be used in pregnant women).

Other than causing your milk to have a maple syrup scent may include increased asthma symptoms(for those who have asthma). Some also claim it might be contraindicated for those with a peanut allergy—check with your doctor. Fenugreek might increase your milk within 24 to 72 hours but can even take up to a week.

Milk Thistle(blessed thistle) might increase breast milk supply because of its estrogenic properties. The normally get the herb in tea, capsule and tincture form. It is contraindicated for people who are allergic to any of the daisy family plants. One should also be careful of taking it with other medications—check with your doctor, herbalist of naturopath first.

Alfafa comes in liquid, tea and capsule form and is known to increase breast milk supply. Alfafa should not be taken by women with lupes.

Fennel comes in capsule form and has a strong licorice flavour. Probably not the most known milk increasing herb but must not be left out in the list of breast milk increasing herbs.

Rasberry leaf comes in tea format and may not be used during pregnancy. Also not that known for its milk increasing properties, but should not be left from the list. It is much known for helping to tone the uterus after child birth.

Brewer’s yeast comes in capsule and powder format. Not that known for its milk increasing properties, but can definitely be on the list of breast increasing herbs. It is basically the protein, iron and b-vitamins in brewer yeast that are said to do the job. These properties will also increase your energy levels. Should not be taken by women who suffer from yeast infections.

All or some of the above herbs can be found in breast milk increasing supplements like Legendairy Milk supplements. These supplements have been especially formulated for pregnant, breastfeeding mothers.

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