A raw food diet takes the vegan diet to a whole new level. It has shown to improve the general health in people who strictly adhere to the premise and eat only raw or warmed foods. The raw food vegan diet has shown to significantly improve vitamin and mineral intake in a person getting their entire caloric intake from raw foods. As a result of eating only raw vegan foods, a participant can expect significant weight loss while eating more food.

The biggest argument against beginning any kind of vegan diet is that is it too difficult to implement. With proper planning, research, and guidance from the experts, the adaptation of a normal SAD (Standard American Diet) is not that hard.

First, do the proper research to insure that you will be getting the proper nutrition with the drastic change in diet and make a plan. Clean out all the processed garbage and meat sourced foods from the kitchen. Put back all the ingredients needed to make this healthy lifestyle change. There are even vegan meats to make the transition easier and you can find The Best Vegan Meat on internet.

Some vegans choose to prepare a shopping list and then prep a certain amount of foods that are kept on hand and can be prepared in a very short time. Since the majority of foods are raw and organic when purchased, there is some significant prep time that must be figured into your schedule. Prepping the majority of you food for the week on one day, goes a long way to making a vegan diet easy to follow.

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