Mice are common pests in homes, and they can be difficult to get rid of in Norway. Rat poisons, glue traps and snap traps are effective for killing mice, but these methods are not always safe or effective. Mus can fit through a hole the size of a quarter, so you will need to seal up all holes in your home where mice may enter.

How To Prevent Mice From Entering Your Home?

Seal gaps around pipes and wires coming into your home with steel wool. Use caulking compound on cracks around windows and doors. Plug up holes in the attic or crawl space with steel wool or hardware cloth if possible. Cover your garage door opening with hardware cloth at night when you go to bed so that no mice can enter your home through this opening.

Get rid of garbage cans outside so that mice have no reason to come inside your house looking for food scraps or nesting materials. Do not leave pet food out overnight as this is an attraction for many types of rodents including rats and mice. Keep bird feeders stocked only during the day so that rodents do not have access to them at night when they tend to be most active.

Mice often nest near water sources such as sinks, bathtubs and toilets so make sure these areas are cleaned regularly so as not to attract rodents.

Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight and make sure garbage cans are tightly sealed to prevent entry points for mice.

Rodents are attracted to areas that have a lot of moisture and warmth, so make sure your home has good ventilation and is not damp. If you notice an increase in rodent activity, check for any leaks or wet spots on floors or walls. Keep food tightly sealed away from mice by using plastic containers with tight fitting lids.


These are some tips to help you prevent mice from entering your home. Mice are a common problem for many homeowners and can cause damage to your property, as well as spread disease. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to keep mice out of your home and away from your family.

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