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Business Law

Patent Protection for Inventions

An invention is a creation of something new, or a novel and useful improvement to an existing item. The term invention is often applied to new devices, but it may also be used to describe a new process or idea. Inventions are the product of creative imagination and are usually the result of applying scientific knowledge in a way that has never previously been tried.

Invention ideas are just that: ideas. It is up to you to decide whether or not your idea will turn into an invention and make money for you. If you have an idea that you think will be profitable, you can protect it by applying for a patent. A patent gives an inventor exclusive rights over their invention for 20 years, during which time no one else can use their invention without permission from the patent holder.

In order to get a patent, you will have to show that your idea is new and different from everything that has been done before. This means that if someone else has already come up with an invention similar to yours, it may not be eligible for patent protection.

To get a patent, you will have to go through a process that can take up to 18 months. This process involves applying for your idea, writing up the details of how it works and why it is new and different from what has been done before, getting feedback from experts in the field (called “examiners”), submitting an application with all relevant information and paying fees. If everything goes well, you will be granted a patent. This means that no one can copy your idea or make it without permission from you.

However, there are limitations. First, the patent will only be valid in the country where it is granted. If you want to sell your product internationally, you will have to apply for patents in each country separately (which can take more than a year). Second, if someone else has already invented something similar and published it in a journal or other publication that is accessible by people who work in the same field as you do (for example, if they invented an electric toothbrush before you did), then your patent may not be approved.

Also, if the invention is not original (for example, if it has already been patented by someone else or published in a journal), then you will have to prove that your invention idea is different from everyone else’s. This is called prior art, and it can be extremely difficult to find.


Passport Expedition Companies

The U.S. Department of State issues passports to U.S. citizens who are traveling internationally for business or pleasure. A passport is a travel document that provides proof of identity and citizenship, allowing you to leave and return to the United States from foreign countries.

It’s important to note that if you’re applying for a passport for the first time, it can take up to six weeks for your application to be processed and mailed back to you from the Department of State. If you’re renewing or replacing an existing passport, it can take up to four weeks for your application to be processed and mailed back to you from the Department of State.

If you need your passport sooner than this timeframe, there are various options available:

Rush service allows you to expedite the processing of your application by paying an additional fee per application (this option is not available when applying by mail). Rush service guarantees that your application will be processed within three weeks after it has been received at a regional agency located in a major city near where you live or work. This means that even if there is a delay in receiving your application at one of these locations due to an increase in applications, it will still be processed within three weeks from its arrival date (not from when it was submitted).

When you file your application in person, you can request rush service for an additional fee. Expedited processing allows you to submit your application by mail or at a regional agency location and still receive it within three weeks from its arrival date. This option is not available when applying online.

Hire A Passport Expedition Company

If you are planning a trip and need your passport as soon as possible, it is highly recommended that you hire an expedited passport renewal service. They will be able to take care of all the paperwork for you in addition to making sure that your application is processed as quickly as possible.

Business Law

Product Invention and Patent

You’ve got a great idea for a product that can make you millions. But before you get too excited, consider these five things:

1. It’s not new. Great ideas are rarely new, so chances are someone else has thought of it already. If your idea is truly unique new invention idea, it will be much harder to market.

2. You know nothing about manufacturing or distribution. Even if you have an idea for a product that’s never been made before, that doesn’t mean you know how to bring it to market or have the resources to do so successfully.

3. You don’t have time or money to develop it. The time and money required to develop a product can be overwhelming for even the most successful entrepreneurs — just ask Steve Jobs, who famously said: “The only way [Apple] could build something as refined as the iPhone was by starting with a blank sheet of paper. “Don’t try this at home!

4. Your first patent application won’t get approved on its own merits; instead, you’ll need expert assistance navigating through the complex process of getting approved by the U.S Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). And even then, there’s no guarantee that your application will succeed — patent applications are rejected more often than they are approved.

5. Patent applications take a long time to be processed; in the case of some complex technologies, the process can take years before you see any results.

How to begin developing an invention idea?

With all that said, let’s see how to start an invention idea?

Identify the problem: What is it that you want to solve? Make sure it’s a real issue that other people have experienced too, or else your invention won’t be useful in the marketplace.

Research: You need to know all the different ways people have tried solving the problem before you can come up with something better.

Brainstorm solutions: Write down every possible solution you can think of, even if they seem ridiculous at first glance; this will help get your creative juices flowing and ensure that nothing gets overlooked.


What Is An Apostille?

An apostille is a stamp or seal that is placed on documents to certify that they have been authenticated by the issuing authority. The most common use of an apostille is for authentication of public documents, such as birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce decrees.

The purpose of an apostille is to ensure that the documents are not fraudulent or forged. An apostille is placed on the document by a government agency, which verifies that it has not been tampered with. The United States Department of State has a list of foreign offices that issue apostilles.

Apostille Services in Dallas, Texas

Apostille services are available in most states, and many counties offer them as well. So, you can find Dallas apostille services in Dallas easily. You can find a list of agencies that provide apostilles by searching for “apostille” on your state government website. If you need an apostille for your documents but there is no office in your area, the Department of State provides information on how to apply for one at any foreign consulate or embassy.

Apostilles are commonly used to authenticate documents for international use. For example, if you have a document that was notarized in the United States, but you need to use it outside of the US (for example, in Brazil), it needs an apostille.

Apostilles are also required for documents notarized in other countries which do not have diplomatic relations with yours. This can be difficult and confusing because there is no one standard procedure for requesting an apostille, each country has its own regulations about who can request them and how they should be requested.


As you can see, apostilles are a powerful tool for verifying the authenticity of documents. They help to ensure that your company’s paperwork is valid and that international clients will trust it. This is especially true when dealing with sensitive information such as legal contracts, medical records or financial documents.


Criminal Background Check Apostille

The criminal background check apostille is a document that verifies the authenticity of the signature, seal and stamp of a notary public or consular officer in the United States. It is used for international documents and is not valid for use in any US state.

It may be required for:

  • Traveling outside of the United States and entering Canada, Mexico, or any other country that requires a criminal background check;
  • Getting a passport;
  • Applying for a visa;
  • Applying for citizenship;
  • Obtaining employment at a foreign embassy or consulate, or applying for a job with an international company;
  • Applying for academic scholarships, fellowships, grants or internships abroad.

What is an Apostille Certificate?

An Apostille Certificate is a certificate issued by a Secretary of State or equivalent foreign official that certifies the authenticity of a signature on a document from the United States. The Apostille Certificate allows for international recognition of the document based on its seal, so long as you have it notarized in order to be accepted in some countries.

How does it work?

You will need to obtain an Apostille Certificate for any criminal history report issued by a third party. You can obtain this from your local Secretary of State’s office or other government agency authorized to issue such certificates or you can hire apostille criminal record service to get your criminal background check apostilled. The apostille itself is simply placed on the front of your original criminal history report.


Intellectual Property Why is it Worth it?

The basic factor shaping progress and economic development is the ability to innovate, understood as the ability to absorb and use new knowledge and information.

The main challenge for each enterprise is to maintain its market position, good economic condition and competitiveness, and this requires the introduction of innovative solutions in the form of new and more perfect products as well as new and modernized services.

The company’s competitiveness is determined not only by its innovative capacity, but also by the protection of innovation by obtaining exclusive rights for it. The lack of knowledge of the functioning of the principles of industrial property protection exposes the enterprise to the loss of its own solutions for the benefit of a competitor, and may also be associated with sanctions for violating someone else’s rights.

Protection of industrial property, with the rapidly growing number of exclusive rights granted, and with very efficient systems of information flow, is necessary for running a business as described in this InventHelp article – how to patent something with InventHelp.

Knowledge of the principles and rules of industrial property protection helps the entrepreneur in:

– preventing competitors from duplicating or accurately copying products,
– avoiding uneconomical research and development and marketing investments,
– creating the company’s image using a trademark,
– negotiating licenses, concessions or concluding other contracts in based on intellectual and industrial property,
– increasing the company’s market value,
– raising capital and facilitating access to finance,
– gaining access to new markets

Owning the right to use inventions, technologies, designs or various trademarks are more and more often of fundamental importance for functioning on the market. One of the most valuable assets of a modern company is a well-known and respected brand, logo, trademark or packaging design. These values ​​build the company’s market identity and often determine the ability to generate profit. Also the rights to use the created or purchased technology, design solutions, inventions made or the developed design have a decisive impact on the value and market position of the company as well as development prospects as stated on

Business Law

Where do you do a patent search?

Completing a patent search is a common part of the patent application process. But this would lead any inventor to a few questions. Why should you do a patent search? And how to do a patent search? Look no further for the answers.

Why Conduct a Patent Search

There are really two reasons to perform a patent search, and done repetitively throughout the patent application process. The standard internationally for making pending patent applications public to search is at least 18 months from the filing date. This means that when you do a patent search there are a large number of patent applications that have not been made available yet.

The second reason why to do a patent search is so that you don’t waste your time. If someone else has a patent on your exact idea that is active for another ten years, then the expense and time of the patent application process might be a bad plan for that idea. Another reason of why to do a patent search is that you can use a combination of keywords, numbers, and expressions that would take dozens of searches otherwise. It is very well described in this article –

Where Can You Conduct a Patent Search

One of the easiest places to perform a patent search is with Google Patent Search. This is a very general patent search using only general keywords, but will give you an idea of whether a patent exists or now. In this basic patent search, you come up with something that resembles your idea all you need to do is note down the patent number. Then head to the US Patent & Trademark Office to locate that patent in full detail. When finding out where to do a patent search you will find many options, you just need to pick one.

How to Conduct A Patent Search

All you need to do for a patent search is locate the service and enter as many or as few keywords as you want. This will take you to any possible matches, and you can sort out if any of them fit your idea. Once you click on an idea from the patent search results, it will take you to a page with the title, abstract description and application date. If you feel it’s a good match, you can click on it for further details.

If any of these ideas are relevant to yours, its time for the professional opinion of a patent expert, such as Invent Help patent agency. This is how to perform a patent search, but it is always better to hire a professional patenting agency such as InventHelp. Keep in mind that if you don’t do one yourself, you run the risk of a patent examiner discovering something in the middle of the patent application process, and the filing fees are non-refundable.

Business Law

Protect the Features of an Invention

A utility application is an application that seeks to patent and protect the structural features and/or functional features of an invention. A design application, on the other hand, is an application that seeks to patent and protect an ornamental feature of an invention.

Whether you should file a utility or design application depends on the kind of invention you have, your goals, and the kind of protection you seek. Not all inventions can be a subject of a design application. It is best that you consult with a patenting agency such as Invent Help or a registered patent attorney to determine which application to file.

A provisional application is usually filed to preserve an early filing date, which may become critical in determining who was first to invent the invention. It usually has the components of a regular application, except for the claims section. A regular application must be filed one year after filing the provisional application. Otherwise, the provisional application will be abandoned.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not publish or examine provisional applications. Provisional applications do not issue into patents. While many benefits can be derived from filing a provisional application, patent law imposes complex requirements for obtaining the full benefits from a provisional application. Therefore, it is important to talk to a registered patent attorney regarding provisional applications.

“Patent pending” means an application that is “complete,” as defined by patent law, has been filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Once obtained, an inventor may mark the product that is the subject matter of the filed application with the “Patent Pending” mark, which may add marketing value. Additionally, some inventors may find it easier to attract investors upon obtaining the “patent pending” status.

Having an early filing date is critical for an inventor in establishing ownership of the invention in the United States and all around the world. You can read much more about patenting process on InventHelp as well – learn why new inventors turn to InventHelp.


Family Lawyers

Perhaps it is that family law matters seem so personal to those involved, many people believe they can represent themselves family law matters without legal counsel. However, mistakes in family court can be costly as well as chancy to parent-child relationships. People searching for experienced representation in family law or child custody issues often contact family law lawyers. Here are some of the benefits of family lawyer.

Family law lawyers handle a full range of family law matters including paternity, spousal maintenance, adoption, child custody, child support, and divorce. As strong believers in the benefits of marriage, they encourages family law clients to consider and discuss all possible consequences of divorce. When divorce is unavoidable, however, family law lawyers use all available tools, such as in-depth legal research into developing areas of the law, to ensure that clients’ best interests are protected.

When Child Custody Disputes cannot be Mediated Outside of Court, let family law lawyers help you!

While mediation is a desirable means of achieving an equitable property division settlement and a fair child custody agreement, family law lawyers extensive trial and litigation experience serves clients well when serious disputes cannot be resolved outside of court. Through thorough legal research family law lawyers search for legal precedents that may bolster their clients’ position, protect the clients’ parental rights, or provide clients’ with additional methods to challenge unfair alimony orders.

You can contact experienced family law lawyers with confidence regarding any family matter, whether a divorce is mutually agreed upon, or a child custody matter is fiercely contested. They have the experience you need and the compassion you want to help you through this time.


Estate Planing Is Not Simple

Planning an estate is something many folks do not look forward to. And who can blame them? Who really wants to think a lot about what’s going to become of their property after they are gone? That, after all, would mean having to admit that they will in fact be gone someday. But estate planning should not be put on the back burner for too long, because you never know when that day may come, and you need to be ready with at least the most basic of tools – the last will and testament.

There are a few good reasons why getting a will should be on the top of your estate planning priority list:

Decide who gets your assets

This is the most obvious one – you need to have a will to make certain that it is absolutely clear who gets what. Sure, you may not be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, but even if you don’t have a sizable amount of assets, if you have no clear plan regarding whom you want to receive them, your heirs may very well end up battling each other in court – and it could get ugly. You may think now that there’s no way this could happen, because everybody gets along. But inheritances can make people turn greedy – especially if the question of what they are getting is open ended and they believe they need to fight for their fair share. A simple ‘last will and testament’ can resolve this potential mess and insure a relatively peaceful transition of your estate property when you are gone.

Decide who distributes your assets

A will is a great estate planning tool because it not only allows you to determine who gets your property, it also allows you to decide who is in charge of doling it out. In most states, this person is referred to as the executor. The executor has a very important function as this person works with your attorney to make sure all your assets go where they are intended. It is important, therefore, to put a lot of thought into who you want to fill this very important position. Make sure it is someone who you can trust and will be available to take on this responsibility.

Decide who raises your children

People often forget that estate planning has more to do than just your financial assets. Making a will also allows you to designate a guardian for your underage children. This is perhaps an even more critical decision than who gets your money. This has to do with how your kids will be raised and what kind of future they will have. As with the choice of executor, it is vital that you designate a guardian that you already know would love to take care of your kids and will raise them in a good home, allowing them the best chance at a brighter future.

As always, consult your avocat succession to find out your best legal options.