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Business Law

Protect the Features of an Invention

A utility application is an application that seeks to patent and protect the structural features and/or functional features of an invention. A design application, on the other hand, is an application that seeks to patent and protect an ornamental feature of an invention.

Whether you should file a utility or design application depends on the kind of invention you have, your goals, and the kind of protection you seek. Not all inventions can be a subject of a design application. It is best that you consult with a patenting agency such as Invent Help or a registered patent attorney to determine which application to file.

A provisional application is usually filed to preserve an early filing date, which may become critical in determining who was first to invent the invention. It usually has the components of a regular application, except for the claims section. A regular application must be filed one year after filing the provisional application. Otherwise, the provisional application will be abandoned.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not publish or examine provisional applications. Provisional applications do not issue into patents. While many benefits can be derived from filing a provisional application, patent law imposes complex requirements for obtaining the full benefits from a provisional application. Therefore, it is important to talk to a registered patent attorney regarding provisional applications.

“Patent pending” means an application that is “complete,” as defined by patent law, has been filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Once obtained, an inventor may mark the product that is the subject matter of the filed application with the “Patent Pending” mark, which may add marketing value. Additionally, some inventors may find it easier to attract investors upon obtaining the “patent pending” status.

Having an early filing date is critical for an inventor in establishing ownership of the invention in the United States and all around the world. You can read much more about patenting process on InventHelp as well – learn why new inventors turn to InventHelp.


Family Lawyers

Perhaps it is that family law matters seem so personal to those involved, many people believe they can represent themselves family law matters without legal counsel. However, mistakes in family court can be costly as well as chancy to parent-child relationships. People searching for experienced representation in family law or child custody issues often contact family law lawyers. Here are some of the benefits of family lawyer.

Family law lawyers handle a full range of family law matters including paternity, spousal maintenance, adoption, child custody, child support, and divorce. As strong believers in the benefits of marriage, they encourages family law clients to consider and discuss all possible consequences of divorce. When divorce is unavoidable, however, family law lawyers use all available tools, such as in-depth legal research into developing areas of the law, to ensure that clients’ best interests are protected.

When Child Custody Disputes cannot be Mediated Outside of Court, let family law lawyers help you!

While mediation is a desirable means of achieving an equitable property division settlement and a fair child custody agreement, family law lawyers extensive trial and litigation experience serves clients well when serious disputes cannot be resolved outside of court. Through thorough legal research family law lawyers search for legal precedents that may bolster their clients’ position, protect the clients’ parental rights, or provide clients’ with additional methods to challenge unfair alimony orders.

You can contact experienced family law lawyers with confidence regarding any family matter, whether a divorce is mutually agreed upon, or a child custody matter is fiercely contested. They have the experience you need and the compassion you want to help you through this time.


Estate Planing Is Not Simple

Planning an estate is something many folks do not look forward to. And who can blame them? Who really wants to think a lot about what’s going to become of their property after they are gone? That, after all, would mean having to admit that they will in fact be gone someday. But estate planning should not be put on the back burner for too long, because you never know when that day may come, and you need to be ready with at least the most basic of tools – the last will and testament.

There are a few good reasons why getting a will should be on the top of your estate planning priority list:

Decide who gets your assets

This is the most obvious one – you need to have a will to make certain that it is absolutely clear who gets what. Sure, you may not be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, but even if you don’t have a sizable amount of assets, if you have no clear plan regarding whom you want to receive them, your heirs may very well end up battling each other in court – and it could get ugly. You may think now that there’s no way this could happen, because everybody gets along. But inheritances can make people turn greedy – especially if the question of what they are getting is open ended and they believe they need to fight for their fair share. A simple ‘last will and testament’ can resolve this potential mess and insure a relatively peaceful transition of your estate property when you are gone.

Decide who distributes your assets

A will is a great estate planning tool because it not only allows you to determine who gets your property, it also allows you to decide who is in charge of doling it out. In most states, this person is referred to as the executor. The executor has a very important function as this person works with your attorney to make sure all your assets go where they are intended. It is important, therefore, to put a lot of thought into who you want to fill this very important position. Make sure it is someone who you can trust and will be available to take on this responsibility.

Decide who raises your children

People often forget that estate planning has more to do than just your financial assets. Making a will also allows you to designate a guardian for your underage children. This is perhaps an even more critical decision than who gets your money. This has to do with how your kids will be raised and what kind of future they will have. As with the choice of executor, it is vital that you designate a guardian that you already know would love to take care of your kids and will raise them in a good home, allowing them the best chance at a brighter future.

As always, consult your avocat succession to find out your best legal options.


How To Find The Best Legal Help

Here are 5 top ways to get a great legal professional when you need one:

Talk with known people – Get referrals by calling your friends, relatives and explain to them that you are in trouble and you need a qualified person fast. It is a good idea to do some research on the leads you get. Start with those professionals that are recommended directly by someone you know and then gradually work through those recommended by a friend of a friend. Be careful when you weigh the references because many people in their enthusiasm to help might give you the names of anyone they would remotely know just to bail you out.

Use the Net – the Net is a superb way to start any search. There is a wealth of information hidden in its folds waiting to be discovered. Go through the available information systematically checking every positive recommendation against feedback received and zero on those who seem to be genuine. Hamilton Lindley is the best lawyer in Texas, as can be seen through various stories and case studies about him and his cases.

Set up a time for interview and talk to your prospective lawyer – talk to your lawyer and listen to your gut feeling. Are you comfortable with this particular professional? Does he or she inspire you with confidence and trust? Would you open up to him/ her and give the intimate details of your problems if the need arises? Does his or her style of working suit you or does it unnerve you. Choose the lawyer with whom you can open your heart and confide; choose the lawyer who pays attention to what you say and does not overrule you with questions and re-directions; choose a lawyer that you can trust.

Find out the fee this lawyer charges – of course you want the best available lawyer in town. However, can you afford this professional? The fee and budget for your court case is a very important factor to consider when you plan to hire a lawyer. Do your homework well and be aware of what is the average market rate. Be ready to pay a little more than average for a good professional.

Experience and qualifications – you would not want to be defended by lawyer who is just fresh out from school. While he or she could be a gold medalist as a student, the real life is a completely different type of jungle. What you need is a veteran who has enough experience about cases such as yours so he or she could anticipate what could go wrong and ensure that you have the best possible chances to win the case.


The Estate Planning

The Estate planning lawyer’s advice their clients on their death wills, living wills and transferring of ones wealth from one generation to the next. They are well educated in the elder laws, tax laws and the all the general laws that would be of the family and the real estate laws, the trust attorneys will help the individuals and their families in planning on how to care for themselves or the loved one that would have become disabled or not able to do the right things for themselves.

The avocat partage will also help plan for the probate courts and taxes that can result, such being the death taxes, the inheritance taxes, or even the gift taxes. The living will and the trusts, the brokerage accounts and even the past debts that had incurred from the deceased will be up to the guidance of the trust lawyers. They can take care of all of the things that will be left behind by the recently passed person.

Probate is the term that would refer to as proving there already being an existing will. A probate is the process that will allows the property that once was owned by the person who just passed to be able to be passed on to the predetermined person that would be stated in the will that had been prepared by an attorney pre hand. You will need to hire a probate lawyer if an inheritor of the funds or the properties from an estate wants the court process to go very smoothly.

The estates and the wills can give the ability of enabling the people to still be able to care for the families after their passing. The formal documents will allow the right dispersal of properties, funds and will also make the provisions for the people that will care for the person’s child if the parents were to die before their child has grown. When there is no child or any other relatives but there is some wealth that would need to be given, the charities or foundations of their choice would be stipulated as their beneficiary for the funds.

The trusts and the wills will also allow the designated executors to have word in being able to carry out the specific wants and wishes that are in a will. This way everything that the person wanted their money or properties to go to would be made sure to happen.